Research the target audience for a campaign
Research the target audience for a campaign
1. Use the Keyword Planner in Google Ads to research the search engine potential for your products or services.
Log in to our Google Ads accounts. Click on Tools & Settings. Click on Keyword planner. Select Discover new keywords. Enter the keywords closely related to your business. These can be specific product names such as Nike Pegasus, product category names such as running shoes, or names of the service like carpet cleaning. Click on Get results. Click on Download keyword ideas. Go through the list and identify relevant keyword suggestions. Check the avg. monthly search volume column to determine the audience size.
2. Use Google Analytics data to understand your website visitors.
Log in to your Google Analytics account: Go to Audience > Demographics > Age. Tick the Users, Goal completions and Goal conversion rate columns to identify the best performing age groups. Go to Audience > Demographics > Gender. Tick the Users, Goal completions and Goal conversion rate columns to identify the gender of the best performing users. Go to Audience > Demographics > Location. Tick the Users, Goal completions and Goal conversion rate columns to identify the best performing locations. Use the above data to inform the targeting settings in your display or Facebook campaigns. Focus on the locations and demographic groups with the best performance.
3. Use the Facebook Audience Insights tool to estimate the size of the target audience interested in your products or services
Go to to access Facebook Audience Insights. Under Interests enter the keywords closely related to your products or services. Under New audience check the size of the audience you specified. Under Age and gender check the age and gender distribution of users interested in the topic you defined. Tick the Relationship status graph to learn about the relationship status of the users interested in the topic. Tick the Education level graph to learn about the education level of the users interested in the topic. Click on Locations to learn where the selected audience comes from.
4. Use Audience Insights to understand what your competitor's fans like or are interested in.
Go to to access Facebook Audience Insights. Under Interests enter the name of your competitor or your competitor products. Click on Page likes to see what categories and pages your competitor’s audience likes. Click on Activity to see what devices your competitor’s audience uses. Click on Demographics to learn about gender, age, educational status, and relationship status, of your competitor’s audience.
5. Conduct user surveys and create incentives for the respondents.
Ask them questions about their identity so that you can segment the answers. For example, you can ask about their age, educational status, and how long they have used your product. Make questions short and easy to answer, and incentivize the survey submissions. For example, you can offer all the respondents the chance to win a prize in a draw or offer them a small discount for the next purchase.
6. Build your audience persona to better structure your marketing strategy.
Identify a couple of fictional representations of your clients: Who they are? What do they like? What their pain points are? Name your personas. For example, a language learning app could have the following personas: Avid language learner. Globetrotter. Foreign language books reader. Frequent business traveler. Think how you can address the needs of the different personas.