Optimize SaaS site for mobile

1. In Google Analytics, navigate to Audience > Mobile > Overview and select the button that shows relative performance on the conversion rate.

If mobile conversions are underperforming desktop by more than 50%, your mobile landing pages are not optimized.

2. Conduct surveys with new customers during the onboarding process and ask why they signed up just now.

3. When it comes to actions that you lead users to perform on your website, prioritize a free email course over sign up.

This helps you to get the customer’s email address, so you can follow up in a more high-touch way. You can then send emails that they’re likely to read during business hours when they’re more likely to be working on a desktop computer. The course can help move them from a curious or interested member of your target market, into an enthusiastic prospective customer.

4. Add a pop-up at the top of the mobile header to allow users to opt in to receive an email during business hours.

Write the caption of the pop-up to inform them to be contacted when they are at a desktop, if they are viewing the information on a mobile device. Enable the pop-up to be actioned only on the home page. Contactually used to provide a callout for mobile customers: Contactually's "remind me" message on mobile.

5. Change your CTA offer to allow users to request a demo, and trigger a Calendly scheduling form to book a 15-minute call to answer their questions.

Ask prospects to fill in a time slot, fill in their details and their email upon request. Add a discounted link when requesting a live demo. Email provider ConvertKit had a demo request button as their primary mobile call to action: ConvertKit's "request demo" CTA. Crowdcast provides a live demo as a secondary CTA on their Features page: Crowdcast's live demo button.

6. Add your phone number at the top of your header with text that invites prospects to call your business if they have questions.

Sign up for Grasshopper or Google Voice and put a phone number in the header of your mobile site. Make sure that your phone number can address support inquiries for existing customers, and that international customers are able to call it as well. For example, Postmark encourages calling by asking, Got a question? Postmark's way to encourage calling from their homepage. Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers suggests you put your phone number in your header to increase trust, and she explains why using live chat may not suffice: “If your visitors do call, you are more likely to close a sale with them. Why? Because they’ve just taught you something critical about your ideal market: at least a portion of potential customers must talk to someone before buying.”

7. Restructure your onboarding process to get people using the product before they need to create an account.

The term gradual engagement was coined by Luke Wroblewski on his influential A List Apart article from his excellent book Web Form Design, and his follow-up blog post. For example, TripIt once got people to sign up for their service by asking them to simply forward any confirmation emails to a @tripit.com email address. Since any of your forwards would come from your email account, they would then reply with a link to create a TripIt account. You started using the service before you ever had an account, and TripIt got to flag you as a qualified lead.

8. Work closely with sales and service teams as you improve your mobile conversion rate, because this might put extra pressure on either, and require hiring more staff.

9. Roll out mobile changes as one-off improvements, and then use post-signup surveys to figure out how people found out about your business.

It should be easy for you to determine whether someone first hit your site through a mobile device or on desktop; just match their signup email to your mailing list, and determine the device they used to join the list.

10. Segment mobile converters in your website analytics platform, and track user conversions in your CRM, including the source of their initial contact like mobile, desktop, phone, or other.