Create a testimonial video
Create a testimonial video
1. Choose the structure for your story to include a pain point or obstacle that your customer has overcome using your services or products, and write it down as an outline rather than a script.
For example, your customer could have had terrible acne before encountering your product, which affected their confidence.
2. Choose your storyteller, for example, a customer who is passionate about your business but also resembles your target customers.
For example, if your ideal customer is a marketing manager, then you should showcase someone with that job title too.
3. Choose words to describe your brand persona, such as playful or credible.
Use these adjectives to influence your decisions when creating your video.
4. Write interview questions that will help you cover the structure of the story and that reflect your brand persona.
They should encourage your subject to discuss the extent of their problems before they discovered your business, and the positive changes it’s made to their life since. Avoid questions that would result in a short yes or no answer. For example, instead of asking Do you like our product? ask What have been the main advantages of using our product?
5. Choose how and where the testimonial will be filmed, such as in-person or remotely.
For example, for in-person it can be filmed at your customer’s office. If filming remotely, the customer can film themselves on their own device and send you the file.
6. Brief your customer before filming by sharing the questions in advance and giving them guidelines for what they should wear.
If they are filming themselves remotely, send them guidelines for setting up their environment.
7. Record several takes for each answer to have options when editing the footage.
Record the testimonial in chunks, stopping after a question has been answered. If the customer is filming themselves, they should also do this.
8. Film b-roll footage that you can use to shift the focus away from your customer's face for a few seconds.
For example, you can use footage of the customer using the product.
9. Edit your footage using video editing software such as iMovie or Camtasia.
Keep your video short and make sure it fits the loose story structure you established, as well as reflecting your brand persona. Keep your video to less than a minute long for more impact.