Build a dashboard in Google Data Studio
Build a dashboard in Google Data Studio
1. Go to Style > Column > Bar/Pub, and tick Show number to build a funnel in a table using the bar feature.
You can use this feature to construct a visualization of any process that can be represented by steps. You could, for example, visualize step-by-step progress for form completion.
For example, in the image below, page views and events are categorized based on which stage of the funnel they target, and source data on the right shows the channels and pages that win the most users in each part of the sequence.
2. Define the dimension and set the conditions - you can create a dimension based on auto-exclusive groups of data.
For example, you could visualize visits from paid and non-paid traffic. For this example, your conditions are the paid channels in Google Analytics: Display, Paid Search, Affiliates, and Paid Social (custom). Non-paid channels are the rest.
3. Build a calculated metric for multiple objectives in a single funnel using math operators in the calculated metric feature in Google Analytics.
For example, for a site focused on obtaining leads, the main goal is achieved when a potential customer makes contact by email, a form fill, or a phone call.
To calculate a collective goal of leads, add them using the + operator.
4. Use the function CASE and regular expressions to consolidate source data for Facebook, Twitter, or Google.
CASE WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Source, '.*facebook.*') THEN '' WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Source, '.*instagram.*') THEN '' ELSE Source END
5. Mix and match data from different sources in a single visualization.
You can highlight data from: Google Analytics Google Search Console Facebook Instagram YouTube Google Ads Google Sheets CRM ecommerce platform data. For one-off reports or incompatible sources, import the data into a Google Sheet and make that sheet the source.