Measure your Facebook marketing performance
Measure your Facebook marketing performance
1. Log into your Facebook page, go to Insights and click on See All.
2. On the Overview tab, check the Page Summary for growth or decline in key metrics like following and engagement.
Check page views, page likes, post reach, story reach, post engagement, video views, and page followers. You can see results based on timelines: today, yesterday, 7 days, and 28 days. If the chart shows a decline in any of the results, your marketing might be lacking in that area.
3. Scroll down to the section called Your 5 Most Recent Posts and click on See All Posts to see the performance of each post.
Note which posts have the greatest performance by reach or engagement.
4. Go back to the main insights by selecting Overview on the side menu. Scroll down to the Pages to Watch section and compare your performance to that of competitors or other similar pages.
If your competitors or similar pages aren’t in the list below your page’s name, click on Add Pages. Type the name of a page that you want to add and click on Watch Page to add it to your list. You can add up to five pages. If you didn’t run an ad during your campaign period, jump to the last step. A campaign period can be a week, a month, a quarter, etc.
5. Navigate to Ads Manager in your Facebook Business Account. If you don't have any Facebook ads running, skip to the last step.
Hover over the campaign you ran during the campaign period and click on View Charts to see that campaign’s performance.
6. In the Performance tab, take a look at your ads' reach and results.
The results shown are based on the objective and settings you chose when you created your ad. For example, Reach is the number of people who saw your ad.
7. Click on Results, just below performance, to see your cost per result.
The cost per result of an ad differs depending on the objective you chose when you set up the ad. Analyze the results carefully to identify opportunities or ads that aren’t viable.
8. Click on People Reached to see your ad frequency.
If it’s more than 4, create a rule to prevent your ads from running that often. Ad frequency of 1 or 2 is good; 3-4 is the tipping point. To create a rule, go back to your list of campaigns and click on Rules. Select Create a New Rule and type any name as your rule name. Apply the rule to your campaign and select Turn off Campaign as your action. For conditions, select Frequency is greater than 4. Then save.
9. Go back to your charts and check the results for demographics and placement.
This will show you which demographic showed the best results. If you weren’t targeting the demographic that performed better, you might want to put more focus on that audience. Or if it’s not part of your target market, you may need to update your ads. Placement is the platform where your ad was shown, such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or Audience Network.