Structure and manage Display campaigns
Structure and manage Display campaigns
1. Decide on the most important marketing goal for your company, and select this as your objective when creating a new campaign in your Google Ads account.
Each Google Ad campaign may only have one objective. Optimize the campaign with the most important objective to your business. There are a few types of campaign objectives available for Display campaigns, including the following: Sales. Leads. Website traffic. Brand awareness and reach. Choose the objective type that will best suit the campaign. For example, if your company performs well at closing deals but has a hard time finding potential buyers, you may want to optimize for leads. Once you select your campaign objective, select the Display campaign type.
2. Choose parameters for Google to use in selecting websites to display your ad on, like interest categories, manual placements, and demographics.
Google allows you to target websites to run your ads based on the following parameters: Interest categories: Use search and website history to determine interests. Manual placements: You select the websites and the ad positions on those websites to place your ads. Website content: Uses keywords you select to match your ad to the content of a webpage. Demographic: Uses audience characteristics like age, gender, and annual income to target users. Location: Enables ads to display only in a specific location. Use this feature to exclude locations not relevant to your business. Time: Displays your ad only at the time of day you select. Exclusion of irrelevant sites and content: Excludes sites or specific categories on sites from displaying your ad. Remarketing: Uses historical data of users to display ads to those who have visited your site before. Use a combination of these parameters to zero in on your ideal audience. Think through your buyer persona to understand what your ideal customer’s web activity could look like.
3. Calculate how much each conversion is worth.
Using some type of attribution model, like the ones shown by Google, you can map out exactly what each customer touchpoint is worth from the first email, display ad, or sales call down to the customer’s final sale. This will help you understand what types of initiatives are worth a specific amount to bring customers in and help inform upon how much a click on a display ad is worth. Even if you don’t know the specific value of each touchpoint in an attribution model, make a rough estimate using the value of a conversion and click-to-conversion rate. For example, if your product costs $100 and 0.5% of those who click on an ad end up buying the product, calculate 100 x .005 = .5. This means that each click is roughly worth $0.50.
4. Pick the KPIs that you'll track to measure the success of your campaign.
For example, if your goal is to have users click to a website to read a blog, that CPC will be significantly lower than a goal to have a user request a product demo. There is a correlation between the value you gain from a click and the cost of the placement. Assess your specific KPIs to ascertain what makes the most sense for your objective.
5. Research the cost of your most valuable keywords and add them to your budget.
Use the Google Keyword Planner to see how much competitors are bidding on keywords. You’ll likely need to bid similarly on keywords to compete.
6. Plan a budget based on the number of conversions you want and the cost of your most valuable keywords.
Use the answers to these questions to work backward and determine a budget. What is the goal of the campaign and what results do you hope to see? For example, if you want to receive 500 clicks and the average CPC is $0.50, your budget should be around $250.
7. Use the Ad Gallery to develop creative assets or upload your own ads.
There are a multitude of specifications for Display ads that can be seen on Google. Develop creative assets to match these dimensions or use the Ad Gallery to make your ads with the necessary copy, headlines, links, and images.
8. Segment the campaign into three ad groups that are specific to the campaign you are running. Tailor all ads in each ad group to that particular goal.
For example, if you are driving users to an HR software product, you might segment your campaign into 3 ad groups based on the benefits of the product: Saving time. Exporting reports. Tracking employee data. All ads under each ad group should be tailored to that particular benefit in headline, copy, and image, and link to that particular section of your website.
9. Monitor your campaigns daily and adjust bids on keywords as necessary to optimize performance.
Utilize reports within Google Ads to monitor the performance of your campaign. Here are some guidelines: Review high-level performance data at minimum daily. Conduct a more thorough review of ad and keyword performance and metrics at least weekly. If you see one or two ads performing significantly below the level of others, adjust the ad’s headline, copy, or image, the keywords within the campaign, or turn off the ad altogether. Continue monitoring regularly and making adjustments for the duration of the campaign to ensure optimal performance.