Position your virtual summit
Position your virtual summit
1. Use platforms like Meetup, social media, and event listing directories to find virtual summits happening in your space and sign up to them to experience them as an attendee and establish a baseline of information.
You cannot separate your virtual summit in a meaningful way without this foundation. Pay attention to these aspects of other events in your field: Name and hook. Number and caliber of speakers. Specific subtopics covered. Design and graphics used. Language used on the sales page.
2. Put yourself in your audience's shoes and complete the sentence, "This is perfect for me, because..." to determine how attendees will perceive your virtual summit.
Completing this sentence will help you ensure your attendees feel like your virtual summit is organized just for them. For example, “The Build Your Audience Online Summit is perfect for me, because the speakers already built raving audiences online and are teaching from experience.”
3. Complete the sentence, "It's like [something everyone in your market understands], but [reason why it's different]" from your audience's perspective to identify possible ways attendees will talk about your event.
For example: “It’s like a podcast with epic guests, but I get to engage live with other listeners, can share experiences, and even network with the experts being interviewed to get my questions answered.”
4. Complete the sentence, "It was such a no-brainer offer because [reason]" from the perspective of an attendee that purchased your lifetime access pass to identify reasons your attendees would upgrade.
For example, “It was such a no-brainer offer because the sessions during this summit gave me actionable advice that helped me scale my WordPress agency by better qualifying my leads and improving my workflows.”
5. Determine the biggest differentiating factor your event has compared to other summits from your audience's perspective.
What experience do you offer your summit attendees/audience compared to other summits or similar solutions out there to their problem or pain point?
6. Choose a name and hook for your virtual summit that stand out against other summits in your space, are clear and concise, and shareable.
Avoid using trademarks. The name and hook will be what attendees hear first about your event. Some examples include: “The Self-Publishing Summit,” “List Building School,” “Tennis Files Summit,” and “Crypto Freedom Summit.”
7. Decide on an offer and any upsells or downsells you want to position in the funnel, and choose a price that your attendees will be willing to pay and allows you to genuinely over deliver.
Revenue does not stop with ticket sales. A Summit All-Access Pass usually costs between $47 and $197, depending on the audience and summit size. You can add an upsell that’s between 2x – 7x the price of your ticket, and a downsell that should be slightly cheaper than your ticket. Use these numbers as guidelines and compare the price points against those of competing products.