Use the analytics, insights, optimization CRO framework
Use the analytics, insights, optimization CRO framework
1. Use tools like Qualaroo to survey site visitors and collect feedback on what stops and persuades them.
Find out what, if any, are the deal-breakers or confusion points that lead to abandonment, and the real selling points that keep the user experience moving right through to the ultimate conversion.
2. Analyze the core user funnel that leads them to your end goal and look for opportunities.
When looking for opportunities pay particular attention to: Pages with a high bounce rate. These pages may have the wrong messaging to grab the users’ attention. Pages with a high exit rate. These pages may not answer user’s questions or fail to address their concerns. Pages with a low dwell time. If these pages have critical messaging, they will need to be made more engaging to ensure users stay long enough to see them. Critical pages such as cart or checkout. These pages are always good places to start looking for improvements.
3. Look at heat maps and session recordings to understand what might be causing a problem on the page.
Use a tool like Hotjar to track users’ on-page activity. When analyzing a page, look to see whether users are skipping over critical screen elements or getting frustrated with the interface in some way. One way is by looking at rage clicks.
4. Use exit surveys on your high bounce rate pages to gain insights into the visitor mindset and identify what’s causing the page’s poor performance.
Trigger your exit surveys as visitors go to leave a page or after they scroll half-way down. Ask your visitors the following questions for the best insights: What were you looking for when you visited this page? What did you search for to get to this page? What are you trying to accomplish by visiting this page? Does this page make you want to sign up for our service?
5. Use tools like Qualaroo, an embedded Google Form, or email surveys to find out what almost stopped those who converted from taking action.
Finding out what almost stopped visitors from converting uncovers key optimization opportunities. Finding out what persuaded visitors to convert uncovers opportunities to optimize your messaging, site copy, and appeals on the site. You can either display the form after the conversion has been completed on your website, or email users afterwards.
6. Use the insights gained in conjunction with analytics data to inform the best potential next test to run.
Form a hypothesis about what might improve conversion based on the feedback above. For simple changes, run an AB test to see whether your hypothesis is correct. For more complicated changes, create a prototype and run some testing with users to see if the changes help.