Map the Buyer’s Journey for B2B Customers
Map the Buyer’s Journey for B2B Customers
1. Gather all you know about customers together.
Collect feedback from sales and customer support staff. Review existing personas. Analyze data from analytics. Summarize findings from social media monitoring.
2. Schedule a customer journey mapping workshop, and share what information you have on customers ahead of the workshop.
Leave at least 2 hours for each persona your wish to map. Invite anybody who knows the customers through direct interaction like customer support staff, or data like marketing staff.
3. In the workshop, start by establishing the stages your customers pass through.
Aim for approximately 5-6 stages. Any more and the journey will be too complicated, and you will run out of time. You can either use standard stages such as Awareness, Discovery, Evolution, Intent, Purchase, and Loyalty or create your own.
4. Agree on what you want to map about the user experience.
You can map whatever information is useful to you. However, typical criteria would include: Questions that your audience has. Tasks they need to complete. Who or what influences them in their decision making. How they feel during the experience. What interactions they have with your company like touchpoints and channels.
5. Map out a grid with stages along the top, and your criteria down the side. Leave an extra row for weaknesses.
6. Work through each stage, brainstorming the relevant criteria using the data you gathered as a starting point.
For example, what questions do customers have at the discovery stage?
7. As you brainstorm, you will discover weaknesses in your process or opportunities for improvement. Add these to the weaknesses column.
These weaknesses should inform new projects, campaigns, and approaches for engaging your audience.
8. Turn your grid into an attractive infographic that you refer to often.
UXPressia allows you to easily create customer journey maps. Use your customer journey map in meetings. Hang your customer journey map in the office for easy reference. Include it regularly in documentation. As you plan projects refer to the journey map and where the project falls in the journey.