Perform website quality assurance

1. Ask your UX and QA teams to work together to create a UX baseline for quality assurance testing in the conversion research phase.

The QA team will better understand UX’s team intentions from the start.

2. With your QA and UX teams, develop a set of guidelines that codify your company's concept of quality, including conventions for coding, language, graphics, acceptable speed and performance thresholds, and accessibility standards.

Use categories like speed, error messages, copy and content, image quality/performance, accessibility, links, font style and size, site security, online forms, emails sent as expected, and bugs and crashes. For example, a website needs to load in .13 seconds to pass the QA test.

3. With your QA team, write scenario-based use cases for common tasks that users might perform in a single sitting while moving through your sales funnel. Follow these step by step, looking for issues.

For example, Submit lead gen form for ebook 1 or Make a purchase by searching Google for keyword X. Structure the tasks to follow the flow of the funnel from the landing page all the way to the conversion page. Include failure scenarios where the user doesn’t get to the end of the funnel so that you can check error pages and messages too.

4. Check that Google Analytics tracked your actions correctly as you moved through your use cases.

5. In Google Analytics, go to Audience > Technology > Browser and OS, click on comparison view, and compare metrics like bounce rate and conversion rate across different versions in a single browser family.

For example, select Google Chrome and look at the latest 10 versions of Chrome to see whether the bounce rate is better or worse on newer browsers.

6. Go to Audience > Mobile > Devices, open the comparison view, and repeat your comparisons across different versions in a single browser family.

7. Run through your use cases on as many different devices, operating systems, and browser combinations as possible, using physical devices or platforms that offer emulators.

Use your UX guidelines to spot issues and irregularities.

8. Check mobile-specific QA issues.

Correct keyboard not appearing for input fields such as number pad for phone numbers. Error messages not clearly visible on forms. Load times being longer. Videos unavailable on mobile pages. Navigation, causing confusion when people switch between mobile and desktop versions of the website.

9. Consider automating your use cases, where possible, to reduce the load on your QA team for future releases.