Design highly converting landing pages
Design highly converting landing pages
1. Create a document listing customer pain points from your buyer persona from most to least important.
For example: Lacks money Needs money fast Lacks motivation.
2. Map out the customer journey that you want users to take to solve each pain point, add the main pain point in the headline, and highlight your value proposition as the main problem solver.
3. Write website copy to help users move through the steps of the customer journey by solving a pain point at each step.
For example, if your headline says they can make money, write the following section to show them how they can make money quickly using your product, then explain how your product will help to motivate them.
4. Start your brand story by summarizing how the product benefits your audience.
Make a point to mention your target market at the beginning of your headline to highlight towards whom the product is intended. For example, Mailchimp is for email marketers.
5. Insert one or two CTA buttons maximum, and add text to these buttons explaining users what they will receive.
For example, the CTA text may say, FREE Ebook on How To Make Money Fast.
6. Be specific about what users receive in exchange for their email address.
For example, if they are receiving an ebook, make it clear that it is a PDF ebook.
7. Adjust your website copy so that it uses language and concepts familiar to your audience.
8. Talk to your design or UX department to select images that add meaning to your copy and match its topic.
Avoid using cheesy stock images. For example, if you are selling Botox products, add images of a person smiling or getting a Botox shot.