Create exit intent pop-ups to offer lead magnets on content pages

1. Login to your email service provider (ESP), navigate to your Lists & Segments section, and add a new list for pop-up opt-in users.

How you do this depends on the ESP you use, but the process is fairly similar for most major ones like MailChimp or AWeber. See your ESP product documentation for specific instructions on adding new lists.

2. If your ESP offers a built-in pop-up tool, navigate to the Forms/Signup Forms section, create a new Pop-up or Signup form, and link it to your new list.

Most major ESPs like MailChimp or ActiveCampaign have built-in pop-up creation tools.

3. If your ESP doesn't offer a built-in pop-up tool, use a pop-up builder, like Privy or Poptin, that integrates with your ESP to create a new pop-up.

See your ESP product documentation for a list of pop-up builder integrations, and connect your pop-up tool to your mail service. Some ESPs offer native integration, while others might need you to add your pop-up builder’s API key.

4. Select the pop-up form fields you want to display, set the Behavior / Targeting rules, add any necessary content, and configure the design.

Pop-up tools like Privy allow you to customize the form fields you want to display, such as Name, Email, and Phone. They also allow you to set Behavior or Targeting rules like: When to Show: For example, you can configure your pop-up to display on exit-intent only. Where to Show: The URL/s of the content page/s you want your pop-up to display on. Devices: The devices on which you want to display the pop-up, such as desktop or mobile.

5. Publish your pop-up if you're using your ESPs built-in pop-up builder, or sync the pop-up to your ESP and opt-in list before publishing it if you're using an external tool or app.

For example, in Privy, you would: Click Sync Signups. Select your ESP account using the Select Account dropdown. Select your opt-in list using the Select list/form dropdown. Click Save and Publish.

6. Navigate to the URL where you published your pop-up form, perform the predefined action to get it to show up, fill in and submit the form, and check your ESP opt-in list to ensure all information was added to the list.

Check the integration or pop-up configuration and ensure all information was entered correctly if the pop-up doesn’t display or your details aren’t recorded in your ESP.