Position your brand in social media

1. Perform a social media audit for your brand to evaluate your current brand positioning.

Include: Social media accounts owned by brand. Follower counts. Content performance. Competitor research. You can also perform a content audit to determine what branded content is available to use and promote on your social media channels.

2. Create a brand style guide that includes guidelines for using your brand's logo, color palette, typography, images, voice, brand story, and formatting.

3. Create a social media calendar with long- and short-term strategies based on business objectives and SMART goals.

Assign roles, schedule deadlines, and decide on a content creation strategy within your team. Use quantitative goals, e.g. posting x times per week, or increasing the average number of likes per post by y%.

4. Prioritize social media platforms where your buyer personas frequent and consume content.

If your brand is not on social media already, start with one or two platforms.

5. Adapt your tone and content to each channel's specific advantages and formats.

For example, Twitter has a character limit on posts and is more conversational, while Instagram prioritizes visuals and allows longer captions.

6. Post consistently on certain days and times.

7. Publish and share a range of content that is relevant along different stages of the buyer's journey. Do not only share strictly promotional content.

Content includes videos, photos, infographics, links to blog posts or articles, or sharing other people’s content with your original copy.

8. Engage with your audience through influencer marketing, respond to comments, and interact with your social media community.

Prepare your marketing, sales, and customer service teams for branded interactions on social media. In addition to creating your brand’s own posts, sharing and liking (or favoriting) others’ posts will help drive engagement.

9. Use in-app tools to optimize when and what you post.

Facebook and Instagram have tools within your business’s page that collect and generate data about engagement, including when people view your posts, who comments the most, and what times have low interactions.

10. Align your brand and individual accounts. Ask visible members of your leadership team to adhere to common practices on social media to keep your brand's image consistent.