If you’re a brand, publisher, or agency, you need to know what’s grabbing your audience’s attention. Incites tells you exactly what’s happening, in natural language with bite-size, digestible insights.Connect Incites to Slack and receive instant notifications in your chosen Slack #channel for AI-powered deep insights from Incites.With Incites for Slack, you can:• See all AI-powered insights directly in your Slack #channel
• Access incites.ai directly from Slack by clicking Show More
• Allow Slack team members to request to join your Incites team in one clickAnd of course, Incites for Slack works with both free and paid editions of Slack, doesn’t need to be provisioned with a Slack user’s email and we don’t send emails from our Slack app. Simple as that.Slack + Incites: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go.