Slack Application: Abot Anonymous Poll and Feedback Simple and highly configurable anonymous discussions, feedback messages and polls for your team.

A simple app that’s already trusted by over 1000 Slack teams. Improve your team’s communication and resolve sensitive issues.”It removes the barrier to ask questions.”
“We tested out a few anonymous apps, but none was as ironed-out as your bot.”
“Sometimes, something is required to be said.”
“It’s just fun to try and guess who said that.”
“Your tool is quite invaluable to our team.”The app is highly configurable, so you can fine-tune who can use anonymous communication features. submit customizable anonymous polls
send direct anonymous feedback
send anonymous feedback to public or private channels
reply to feedback (anonymously or not)
customize access settings and whitelist channels
optionally moderate messages
improve your team’s communication
resolve sensitive issuesYou are a manager and would like to make an anonymous poll or collect performance reviews? Do you think that an anonymous suggestion box could be useful for your team?Another never-ending meeting? Coworker’s habits keep annoying you? You would like to share your thoughts but don’t want to step out as the troublemaker?Abot to the rescue! It provides a simple command allowing you to submit honest and anonymous feedback.Whoever receives feedback can reply to it without knowing who the author is. The author can reply back anonymously, or decide to reveal his identity.Additionally, you can create polls and let your team members vote for them anonymously.You can start using Abot without paying for a week and see how it affects your team’s communication.No credit card required or strings attached.Pricing:

Level up your Slack game with our custom application product services for slack! From streamlining workflows to automating tasks, our team of experts can create the perfect solution to boost your productivity and enhance collaboration within your team. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to seamless integration with our tailored Slack apps. Don’t wait, contact us today to get started and take your team’s communication to the next level!