Slack Application: Trotto Go LinksYour data, instantly and intuitively

Today’s companies produce more data than anybody can keep up with. Finding the information you need to do your work is orders of magnitude harder than doing a Google search.Enter Trotto. Trotto shortens your long and frequently-used URLs to elegant “go links”, making them intuitively memorable, easily shareable, and accessible from anywhere in the world.Replace long URLs to frequently-used resources like dashboards, folders, docs, and repos with intuitive go links (for example, go/roadmap or go/logs). Go links are stored with your organization and can only be used by team members with valid company accounts (you’ll never see or conflict with links belonging to other organizations).With the Trotto Slack app, you can create go links just by typing “/point [keyword] to [URL]” in Slack.

Level up your Slack game with our custom application product services for slack! From streamlining workflows to automating tasks, our team of experts can create the perfect solution to boost your productivity and enhance collaboration within your team. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to seamless integration with our tailored Slack apps. Don’t wait, contact us today to get started and take your team’s communication to the next level!