Slack Application: Tefter Lightning-speed access to all your team’s links, leveraging full-text search and shortcuts.

Tefter’s Slack application is the perfect companion to the web interface.
You can add bookmarks, and URL shortcuts, which we call aliases, without having to leave Slack.With aliases, you transform long URLs into short words you can resolve through this app, the
browser extension (chrome / firefox) or the desktop and command-line apps.After installing, you may either use /tefter or its shorter equivalent /t .Begin with /t help to list some of the ways you can interact with it.LoginAny Slack workspace member who wishes to contribute to the team’s content
has to connect their Slack account to Tefter first. Use /t login to connect your accounts.Το invite members of your workspace to your Tefter organization, read here.Adding bookmarks
You can use the root Tefter command or a Slack message action to add a bookmark./t
You can use the /t search command or mention the @tefter bot to search.
An example using the mention might be:Yo @tefter search functional programming
There’s a short version of the search command. It’s just s./t s agile
Creating an alias/t alias
Example:/t alias api-docs
or with a dynamic alias/t alias docs/rails{{*}}
Resolving an alias/t
Example:/t docs/rails/link_to
or by mentioning @tefter@tefter docs/rails/link_to
Listing all aliases/t aliases
or by mentioning @tefter@tefter aliases
Listing the most popular bookmarks/t news
Our ranking algorithm factors in recency, likes and views.

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