Slack Application: SIGNL4Mobile alerting for operation teams with tracking, escalations, duty scheduling

This app connects your Slack channels with your SIGNL4 account and team. SIGNL4 extends Slack with reliable alerting to notify operations teams in the field about critical incidents in IT, IoT and industrial systems. SIGNL4 supports rich alerting via mobile app with push, text, voice and pager. It supports delivery tracking, confirmations and escalations. It comes with built-in duty scheduling. This SIGNL4 app for Slack provides
– Notifications about new SIGNL4 alerts in Slack channels
– Notifications in Slack channels when SIGNL4 alerts are confirmed, annotated, or closedThe SIGNL4 app also allows you to
– Change your duty status in SIGNL4
– Trigger new SIGNL4 alerts to your operations team
– Acknowledge or close a SIGNL4 alerts from within a Slack channelUsing this app requires an account with SIGNL4. To sign up for your free SIGNL4 account, please visit https://www.signl4.comTo link the app with Slack you need to enter SIGNL4 credentials.

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