Slack Application: Script Protect your website and customers by monitoring for changes in third-party JavaScript

Script Scanner constantly monitors third-party JavaScript and alerts you, via Slack notifications, when any changes are detected.Script Scanner provides you with all the changes highlighted in a diff file, as well as copies of the old and new JavaScript files.Any third party JavaScript running on your website, such as analytics, chat, social media or payment scripts, can be a security risk for your website, and also your customers.Third-party JavaScript can make harmful changes to your website, or intercept customer data, and as a result is a growing target for hackers.Script Scanner can monitor the third party JavaScript running on your website, including Google Analytics, Google AdSense, PayPal Checkout and Stripe.js for example, up to every 10 minutes depending on your subscription plan.With Script Scanner’s continuous monitoring, you can protect your website, your customers and your brand’s reputation.An account at is required for this app, a 14 day free trial is available for all new customers.

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