Slack Application: pgTopGet quick and valuable insight into your Postgres database’s health, right in Slack

Get quick and valuable insight into your Postgres database’s health, right in SlackpgTop is a Slack bot that collects and display information about queries, tables, indexes, vacuum and more right where you need it most.pgTop doesn’t require access to your data.Commands available:
 – health:table-size — List tables and their size
 – health:total-size — Show database size
 – health:vacuum-stats — Show basic vacuum-related informations
 – index:size — List each index with their size
 – index:total-size — Show total index size
 – index:unused — List indexes rarely used
 – index:usage — Show how well tables are indexed
 – queries:blocking — List blocking queries and the queries being blocked
 – queries:cancel — Cancel the query specified by pid
 – queries:idle — List idle queries
 – queries:long-running — List long-running non-idle queries
 – queries:stats — Show queries statistics
 – queries:terminate — Terminate the query specified by pid

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