Slack Application: Pat Finder Search and explore patents in USPTO database

Patfinder can search and proactively explore patents in USPTO database.
Send to Patfinder a patent number and it will return info about the patent.Also Patfinder understand the following command syntax:
param1: value1 param2: value2 param3: value3.1 value3.2 …Search Fields:
– title: Patent title phrase or key words
– abstract: Patent abstract phrase or key words
– year: Patent year
– date: Date patent was granted
– app-date: (f-date, filing-date:, filed-date) Date the patent application was filed (filing date)
– inventor-first-name: (i-fn:, inv-fname:) First name of inventor(s)
– inventor-last-name: (i-ln:, inv-lname:) Last name of inventor(s)
– assignee-organization: (a-org:) Organization name, if assignee is organizationPagination:
– page: The page option is 1-based and omitting the page option will return the first page of results
– per-page: The per_page option specifies the number of results per page; it defaults to 25 and has a maximum of 10000You also can look for a quoted text as text phrase. For example: title: “Chemical entities with multiple modes”
Without quotes Patfinder will look for a set of keywords.Patfinder understand comparison operators <, <=, >, >= for dates and numbers. For example: app-date: >=2007-10-04 <2008-01-04, year: >2010 <=2012Also Patfinder understand a list of inventor names (and other parameters). For example: inventor-first-name: "Ronald L." "John S." inventor-last-name: Miller Best WhitneyIt is possible to check the database for new patents matching your query and text you when it spot one. Just add notify at the start of your command. For example: notify title:convolutionalPatfinder is  pretty smart and can look for patents that are similar to the patents you specify: fuzzy 9336582 9524450 (though only 2016 and 2017 patents are indexed at the moment)

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