Slack Application: Paser Application for HR processes automation

Paser helps small and medium businesses to effectively manage HR processes and company interactions. We offer a unique HR automation tool that helps you to build a digital workplace for your employees. With this new and improved integration, you can:
• Receive notifications about new tasks and complete tasks directly in Slack
• Receive notifications about stage changes for requests, where the user is an author
• Check leave balance for any selected date by using shortcut
• Jump to new request creation in Paser by typing /paser into the message boxTo learn more about Paser for Slack, visit our Guide

Level up your Slack game with our custom application product services for slack! From streamlining workflows to automating tasks, our team of experts can create the perfect solution to boost your productivity and enhance collaboration within your team. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to seamless integration with our tailored Slack apps. Don’t wait, contact us today to get started and take your team’s communication to the next level!