Slack Application: Open Agora PollsPoll, vote and decide in Slack channels

Open Agora extends Slack with simple and effective polls. Used by more than 200.000 users, Open Agora improves collaboration and collective decisions.With Open Agora, you can create a poll by hitting a creation button or with the /agora command, and filling in a simple form.Customize your poll with options: Anonymous poll
Ranked poll  
Single choice
Multiple choices  
Image poll
See real-time result  Thanks to the Condorcet voting system, Open Agora allows you to create the poll that suits your needs and helps you to decide collectively. Use cases for companies:• Human Resources: collect feedback on new employees onboarding, conduct company-wide engagement measure, check employees’ mood …
• Event and meeting management: decide on a date and time for a meeting or event, define the topics to be covered, gather feedback after the meeting…
• Marketing: choose the next feature or product to promote, vote for a logo, a design, check interest on a subject…
• Operations: select suppliers and sub-contractors, select tools and materials, pick a date for project meeting…
• Product and engineering team: decide on a technology or method to be used for development, prioritize product features, define a product or service name…  
• Team building: decide on lunch venue, night out day, participants to a game…  For more details on the available commands, type /agora help, or visit the support page.

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