Slack Application: OneBarAI-driven FAQ wiki

OneBar helps you easily build an FAQ knowledge base from you Slack conversations and use them to respond to questions in channels automatically.With OneBar you can:
– Scan your Slack history and find repetitive questions automatically
– Setup a channel Autoresponder
– Ask @onebar bot questions and receive suggestions from the KB
– Search the KB from DM (/onebar )
– Assign unresolved questions to teammates
– Save conversations into the KB (@onebar save)
– Organize saved information inside OneBar. Deduplicate, tag, link to other questions or content in external systems.Quick start:
– Add OneBar to your Slack
– Go to the “Slack” section of the app and scan your existing #ask-* channels
– /invite @onebar to any channel where you’d like it to auto-reply
– Try replying @onebar save to a thread
– Access the Web UI at (login with your Slack account)
– Run /onebar help for more information
– Run /onebar feedback to get in touch with the teamFree trial is available
More at–
In order to send email notifications, and provide seamless Slack integration, OneBar needs to import the list of all users from your Slack workspace.
OneBar securely stores all the data you save from your Slack workspace and does not sell or share it with third-party organizations.

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