Slack Application: Lexi by Peoplelogic.aiMission Control for Your Team

Use Lexi by to get automated prescriptive guidance and insights for managers directly within Slack.We built to make growth scalable. Peoplelogic is a platform that monitors, alerts, and predicts outcomes around immediate risks and opportunities within your business. Peoplelogic keeps an eye on the health of your company 24/7, 365—so you can focus your time where it really counts. Lexi by will automatically surface insights and recommendations tailored to your team, based on the data they are generating across a number of popular platforms. Interact with Lexi by using natural language to dig deeper and learn the inner workings of your team and what makes them tick. Use command’s like:
– /lexi show me daily sales activity by team member
– /lexi show me top employee by stay factor
– /lexi show emotional range by skillWith Lexi by, you get untethered access to the insights, recommendations, and data within your Peoplogic account—empowering managers with prescriptive guidance at your fingertips.

Level up your Slack game with our custom application product services for slack! From streamlining workflows to automating tasks, our team of experts can create the perfect solution to boost your productivity and enhance collaboration within your team. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to seamless integration with our tailored Slack apps. Don’t wait, contact us today to get started and take your team’s communication to the next level!