Language Translation Bot automatically translates all the messages in the channel to the desired language in real timeYou can set the bot to translate a message in a channel to over 100 languages. You can also enable personal translation; this will translate all the words in a channel or DM to user-specific language. This feature will allow you to communicate seamlessly without having to know a common language.After installing the bot, add it to the channel or direct message where you need translations. To invite the bot to a channel type /invite @untangleOnce the bot is added it will walk you through the setup. You can change the settings at any point by typing /untangle and then choose “Settings”We recommend that you authorize the app, for inline translation display. You can do it right from the app by typing /untangle notify. The bot will send you and other channel members a direct message with an inbuilt authorization option. To upgrade from the trial plan at any point type /untangle and choose “Account”, then “Upgrade”.