Slack Application: BirthdayBotKeep track of office birthdays and anniversaries

Trusted by over 20,000 companies using Slack around the world, BirthdayBot is the app to keep track of office birthdays and anniversaries. BirthdayBot keeps everyone informed about upcoming birthdays. It also ensures all the members of your team get a proper b-day celebration whether they are working in the office or remote!BirthdayBot collects a list of everyone’s birthdays on the team.
(No need to fill any forms – the bot does all the job himself!)Start receiving private hints about upcoming bdays and make sure to get a LOT of greetings from everyone (BirthdayBot included ) on your special day as well!Top Features :
• Keep track of workplace anniversaries
• Reward your employees with gift cards on birthdays
• Pick the perfect gift with wishlists that users can share with BirthdayBot
• Sync with Google or Outlook Calendar to see all the dates on a calendar view
• Keep celebrations in separate channels for different offices or departments
• Configurable reminder levels
• Opt out of birthday celebrations if you prefer to keep your bday private

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