Use form analytics for extra data

1. Record the website URL that your users visit after submitting the form.

Typically, this is a confirmation page or a thank you page. Do not include the domain of your website; use /thankyou.html instead of

2. In Google Analytics, click on Admin > View Column > Goals > +New goal to configure form submission as a goal.

Select Custom from the list and click Next. In the Name field, enter the name of a goal like form submission. This name will be displayed in your Google Analytics report. Choose Destination as the type. Enter the web page URL that you defined in step 1. Set Funnel to on and enter the web page URL which contains the form that you want to track.  Click Save.

3. Test your GA tracking by submitting the form on your website, then navigating to Real-time > Conversions in GA and looking for the goal in the report.

You will see the name of a goal that you defined, like form submission, on the list. If you see a number bigger than 0 next to this goal, your goal tracking is working.

4. Navigate to Acquisition > All traffic > Source/Medium and learn which traffic sources generate form submissions.

In the drop-down next to Conversions select the form Submission Goal.  Identify traffic sources with a lot of form submissions and high conversion rates. Focus on driving traffic from these sources to boost the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

5. Go to Audience > Geo > Location to see the form submission data for each geographic area.

In the drop-down next to Conversions select the form Submission Goal. Identify cities and regions with high number of goals and high conversion rate; consider making additional marketing campaigns targeting this area. Find cities or regions with a high number of users and a low conversion rate; consider excluding these areas from your marketing campaigns.

6. Go to Conversions > Goals > Funnel Visualization and see how many users drop off your form page.

The visualization shows the percentage of users that proceeded from the form page to submitting the form. The benchmark conversion rate is 5%, but it depends on the industry. If your conversion rate is low consider changing your form by reducing number of fields to a minimum, making the call to action button more prominent, adding more incentives to submit the form, and adding copy about data privacy to build the trust of the users.