Track email conversions in GA

1. Set up link tracking for all CTA links included in your email campaign using Google's custom URL builder tool.

2. Set up the goals you would like your audience to complete by clicking on the admin icon on the bottom left of your Google Analytics homepage.

3. Click on goals on the right panel, + new goal, and follow the on-page instructions to finish setting up your goal.

4. Expand the customization tab on the left panel and open up dashboards.

5. Select blank canvas, name it email conversion tracker, and proceed to create dashboard.

6. Use the name of your goal for your widget title in the pop-up, and select the standard table option.

7. Select source/medium, Name of your goal (Goal 1 Completion rate), and Name of your goal (Goal 1 Conversion rate) under display the following columns.

8. Click on + add a Widget in the top left corner and repeat for all your different goals.

9. Explore the different visualization widgets and metric options on your dashboard to get a better grasp of what works best for your audience.

10. Optimize your email conversion strategy based on your findings.