Measure social media traffic in GA

1. Change the view of the report to interpret the information with charts.

For example, click on Percentage view, then Transactions as the primary metric, and select Revenue in the contribution to total field. This displays a pie chart with the contribution of each social networking site to the total social commerce revenue.

2. Navigate to Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels to view a report of all channels driving traffic to your site and the relative size of social media as an acquisition channel.

The list is organized under Default Channel Grouping,  starting with the channel bringing in the most traffic. This chart displays the total amount of traffic from social media. Take note of the amount of traffic generated by social media relative to other channels. Click on the Goals box in the upper right side of the chart and select goals important to your business to view the overall conversions for social media, noting the performance on goal conversions relative to other channels.  Click on Social in the side menu to view a more detailed report for all incoming social media traffic. Metrics are broken down by social media platform and provide an overview of which sites are generating the most traffic to your website. This information can be used to adjust the amount of resources you are applying to each social media campaign.

3. Click on Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages and filter by the social channel grouping to discover the content driving traffic to your site from social media.

In the Advanced field, type in the social media platform you want to look at. The display shows all pages related to that social media platform. Click on the page for a closer look at those metrics. You can also filter the dates by clicking and dragging the points in the calendar above the report. This can reveal when traffic increased or decreased based on a promotion run on that social media platform.  Click on the secondary dimension drop down box above the Page column and select Default Channel Grouping. Now you can view all the default channel groupings that brought traffic to the page.  Type in Social in the box to the right of Containing and click on Social in the menu that appears. Click Apply. This will show you just the social media traffic to that page. You can repeat this action for each of your website pages to view social media traffic metrics. Use this information to identify the types of content that received the most traffic from social media.

4. To save the report, click on Save, enter a name for the report and click on OK.

Show it to team members or keep it for your records.

5. To view social media metrics on all reports, navigate to All Pages and click on +Add Segment. In the side menu, select View Segments > System.

Click on +New Segment, type in a name for the new segment, such as Social Media Visitors.  Under Advanced, click Conditions. Select Default Channel Grouping from the Ad Content menu.  Select Social from the contains menu. Click Save. Analytics is now filtered to just display all visitors from social media sites across all reports.  Click on Mobile > Overview in the side menu to view a report of all social media visits by mobile, desktop, and tablet devices. Click on the pie chart icon at the top right to see a graphical breakdown of the users. This report is useful to determine if more people are using mobile devices in case you need to optimize your website for them.  Compare social media users to all users by clicking on Choose segment, tick the All Users checkbox and click Apply.