Subject: Geckoboard — Sales Voicemail #1

Hi [first-name],

My name is [your-name] and I’m calling from [your-business-name]. I hope you’re very well. Reaching out as I see you’ve booked a demo with our software. Delighted to see that you’re interested in [your-business-name]. What I recommend doing is we get that demo sorted out but it’s just tell me a quick 10:15 minute chat to find out a bit more about what is that you’re looking for the dashboarding tool. So what I’ll do now is I’ll follow up with an email that be fantastic if we could sort out some time to each other tomorrow already next week whenever is best for you. I have a quick chat that we can get your demo booked in ASAP.

I hope you have a great day and looking forward to hearing from you soon. Bye bye.